SONYA KUMIKO LEE has performed as a soloist and chamber musician at renowned concert halls and unusual venues throughout the U.S. and abroad, including Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall and Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center (NYC), The Wheeler Opera House in Aspen, Colorado, the Salle des Colonnes in France, to a temple in the mountains of Kyoto, Japan, and at the architectural marvel, Arcosanti, in the middle of the Arizona desert!

Sonya is deeply inspired by artists of other disciplines, which has led to several exciting collaborations, including performances of Richard Strauss’ melodrama, “Enoch Arden” for piano and narrator with Broadway actress, Melina Kalomas, a live Virtual Reality painting performance with NYC new media artist, Steven Fragale at the Colly Soleri Music Center in AZ, Sonya’s first classical music video featuring “The Banshee” by Henry Cowell, and a chamber music performance at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art’s Bing Theater, which was broadcast live on KUSC.

This past season, Sonya was thrilled to perform Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto No. 2 as the guest soloist with the Channel Islands Chamber Orchestra in Ventura, CA.

Sonya’s affinity for rock music led to writing arrangements for Rivers Cuomo, the brilliant lead singer of the alternative rock band, Weezer, with performances on Fresh Air with Terry Gross on NPR, Sirius Satellite Radio, Clear Channel, and on Weezer’s album “Hurley”, and DVD release, “Not Alone: Rivers Cuomo and Friends.”

When not practicing for a performance, or teaching her marvelous students, Sonya can be found hosting dinner/karaoke parties, cheering on her favorite soccer player, Lionel Messi, and spending time with her two beautiful German Shepherds, Indie and Arthur.

Sonya is a graduate of The Juilliard School (Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance) where she studied with pianists Emanuel Ax and Oxana Yablonskaya.

To learn more about Sonya, please visit: